Fred: votering
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Old 14th October 2008, 07:30   #2
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Re: votering

Originally Posted by AnimalChin
is there an awesome website that tells me about my local soil and water conservation district supervisors David Dowdy and David Thomas and all the other elected officials?

Poke around on google and see if you can find a localish non-profit group that keeps track of such things. You might have trouble finding an objective source for something that local though.

or should/can i leave everything else blank and just vote for pres.

Yes, you can.

i would rather not do a straight party vote because fuck that

Good. If you don't know the issues in a particular race, you shouldn't cast a vote for that race.

also there is some early voter thingy starting oct. 16th. is it to be trusted?

Yes. Vote early. Voting on election day is absolutely horrible. You will spend hours (yes, multiple hours) in line.
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