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Old 11th August 2005, 11:59   #1
don't tax me bro
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Global Warming

Bullshit neo-con liberal europeans believe any goddamn thing you tell them. Link

GENEVA (AFP) - Summer temperatures have risen sharply in most west European capital cities over the past 30 years, adding to evidence of the accelerating impact of climate change, the environmental group WWF said.

WWF International blamed most of the warming on pollution from power stations rather than road traffic and urged the European Union to set tougher targets for emissions of greenhouse gases, notably carbon dioxide.

Between 2000 and 2004, average temperatures in 13 of the 16 cities surveyed were at least one degree Celsius higher than during the first five years of the 1970s, the environmental organisation said.

This person should have their keyboard rammed up their ass.
Global warming, also called the greenhouse effect, is caused by carbon gases mostly discharged by burning oil, gas and coal, that trap the sun's heat.

Global warming is just that, the fucking globe is undergoing a warming cycle. It also has cooling cycles, its fact- FACTUAL fucking FACT.

Trying to blame the warming trend on the big SUVs and all them bad 'Mericans irritates the shit out of me. Our nation alone has spent fucking billions of dollars on research to come to the same conclusion "Fuckers just warmin up on its own" seems to happen every 170 years or so.

So, here is my message to the euro-morans.

SFTU, you stupid fucking fuckers.

And, my message to the homeland hippies.

SFTU, you stupid fucking fuckers quit wasting my tax money you shit biscuit eating, patchooli smelling dirtball.

Hippies in any language are still hippies, and they irritate me.
[QUOTE-shiggity shane]I'm only as stupid as money can get me what I need, then I look good.[/quote]
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