Gianni's Bar and Grille. Guns and shit. And Bourbon. And occasional side boob

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AnimalChin 10th August 2009 17:52

i quit smoking
i got one of those electronic cigarettes.

i bet they kill me faster.

hey ya'll.

AnimalChin 10th August 2009 17:57

Re: i quit smoking
oh also i have been off work and school for the past week but i'll probably go back tomorrow or the next day

AnimalChin 10th August 2009 18:36

Re: i quit smoking
wow there's no one here anymore :(

Just_call_me_Q 10th August 2009 18:37

Re: i quit smoking
Electronic cig? Are you talking about the little nicotine dispenser thing-a-ma-bobs?

AnimalChin 10th August 2009 18:59

Re: i quit smoking
uh yea i think

Just_call_me_Q 10th August 2009 19:11

Re: i quit smoking
I quit not that long ago cold turkey - I made it four months before I was smoking again. I want to quit badly now, not just for health, but to deny the first nigger $1.20 a day.

Keep posting how this shit works - I will try anything to starve the beast.

AnimalChin 10th August 2009 19:27

Re: i quit smoking
i've been a pack a day since i was 16. i'm now 33.

been 2 weeks (exactly today) on it. the minute it showed up i was on the way to the back porch to smoke a cigarette, went to grab the mail and it arrived.

looked at my buddy and said "i think i just quit smoking" and i haven't had a drag from a cigarette since. the op-front cost is pricey (about a month's worth of cigarettes for me) but after that it will almost pay for itself.

i've been following a big thread on SA about em so if you want to know more i'd be glad to post about em. it takes a few drags to get used to it, and the thing needs a day or so to break in but you get vapor that looks just like smoke, and a nice throat hit that's very similar to cigarettes. plus, you're sticking something in your mouth and blowing out smoke so it feel very familiar, although different.

i fucking love the thing but it makes you look like a fag so i hide it in public or don't use it.

some days i'll just pull a drag off now and then, and some days i'll 'smoke' it like i did cigarettes. has delivered to me twice now, and they've been great. you can drop $30 on a little starter job to see if you like it, but if you do you're gonna need some more parts.

i've spent ~$130 so far but $50 of that was for a shitty liquid sampler. another $40 for some parts and the thing should last me for a really long time, maybe a year or more, including the juice.

compare that to ~$100-120 a month for winston lights at a pack a day in north carolina, assuming you find cheap cartons.

and now i don't piss people off with smoke, i don't reek of cigarettes, and neither do my clothes, my truck, or my house. no more ashtrays, lighters, and i can hit this thing in a movie theater if i want. anywhere, anytime.

taco 10th August 2009 19:38

Re: i quit smoking
If i wanted to smoke again it would not be some robotic dick that i can flaunt like a 12 year old.

Fucking smoke or don't.

You keep you blowing robots your man card will be revoked.

Just_call_me_Q 10th August 2009 19:54

Re: i quit smoking

Originally Posted by AnimalChin (Post 266322)
i've been a pack a day since i was 16. i'm now 33.

been 2 weeks (exactly today) on it. the minute it showed up i was on the way to the back porch to smoke a cigarette, went to grab the mail and it arrived.

looked at my buddy and said "i think i just quit smoking" and i haven't had a drag from a cigarette since. the op-front cost is pricey (about a month's worth of cigarettes for me) but after that it will almost pay for itself.

i've been following a big thread on SA about em so if you want to know more i'd be glad to post about em. it takes a few drags to get used to it, and the thing needs a day or so to break in but you get vapor that looks just like smoke, and a nice throat hit that's very similar to cigarettes. plus, you're sticking something in your mouth and blowing out smoke so it feel very familiar, although different.

i fucking love the thing but it makes you look like a fag so i hide it in public or don't use it.

some days i'll just pull a drag off now and then, and some days i'll 'smoke' it like i did cigarettes. has delivered to me twice now, and they've been great. you can drop $30 on a little starter job to see if you like it, but if you do you're gonna need some more parts.

i've spent ~$130 so far but $50 of that was for a shitty liquid sampler. another $40 for some parts and the thing should last me for a really long time, maybe a year or more, including the juice.

compare that to ~$100-120 a month for winston lights at a pack a day in north carolina, assuming you find cheap cartons.

and now i don't piss people off with smoke, i don't reek of cigarettes, and neither do my clothes, my truck, or my house. no more ashtrays, lighters, and i can hit this thing in a movie theater if i want. anywhere, anytime.

Just to give you an idea where I am coming from - I am a 1-2 pack a day smoker of reds (depending on alcohol use)

I could care less about taste, or exhaling what looks like smoke. I smoke to make the twitching, and anger not happen.

I also could give two shits about initial costs. I would gladly drop $500 up front, if I could maintain my habit for less than $8.50 a day after that. I do not mind dropping $1000 or so on a bulk purchase of the nicotine cartridges that will last me a long ass time, in fact I prefer it. I am jewish like that, I could care less about upfront costs, as long as I can save in the end.

Is this something for me?

Just_call_me_Q 10th August 2009 20:04

Re: i quit smoking
Another question - Do people still cough up nasty ass lung butter in the morning while using this? I know you probably do as you have only been on it a couple weeks, but do others find their lungs start to heal after using this?

Soulslayer 11th August 2009 06:30

Re: i quit smoking
jesus christ, just Fucking quit you pansy, and stop trying to talk yourself into it.

AnimalChin 11th August 2009 06:54

Re: i quit smoking

Originally Posted by Just_call_me_Q (Post 266325)
Another question - Do people still cough up nasty ass lung butter in the morning while using this? I know you probably do as you have only been on it a couple weeks, but do others find their lungs start to heal after using this?

everyone seems to report their lungs clear out.

and yea i would have murdered someone if i just quit cold turkey. these keep the anger away.

Soulslayer 11th August 2009 08:15

Re: i quit smoking
How to quit smoking.

1. Buythis book.
2. Read it.
3. Quit.

It's really that easy.

Me: 19 years at 1 - 1.5 packs a day. Put them down and walked away.
MrSS: 19 years at 2 - 3.5 packs a day. Put them down and walked away.

LordOfTheShrooms 11th August 2009 08:48

Re: i quit smoking

Originally Posted by Soulslayer (Post 266340)
Me: 19 years at 1 - 1.5 packs a day. Put them down and walked away and got fat.

LordOfTheShrooms 11th August 2009 08:55

Re: i quit smoking
Goddammit, smokes are cheap where you live Shorty. They're 50 bucks a carton here.

I was looking into these things yesterday. The ones I was looking at had these cartriges that apparently have the same nicotine content as a pack. I would hope there's something that tells you when you've smoked the equivalent of one cigarette, otherwise I'm going to be hospitalized with nicotine poisoning really, really quickly. With your innovapor, how do you know when you've smoked the right amount? Just feel it, or is there a little light or something that comes on?

Soulslayer 11th August 2009 08:56

Re: i quit smoking
actually that's incorrect shroomy.

It seems that overcoming 19 years of a fucked up metabolism is something you have to adjust to. I've adjusted and now look fucking awesome once again.

Just_call_me_Q 11th August 2009 09:03

Re: i quit smoking

Originally Posted by LordOfTheShrooms (Post 266342)
I would hope there's something that tells you when you've smoked the equivalent of one cigarette, otherwise I'm going to be hospitalized with nicotine poisoning really, really quickly.

That's a good fucking question right there. I also could see myself doing exactly that.

AnimalChin 11th August 2009 21:04

Re: i quit smoking

Originally Posted by LordOfTheShrooms (Post 266342)
Goddammit, smokes are cheap where you live Shorty. They're 50 bucks a carton here.

I was looking into these things yesterday. The ones I was looking at had these cartriges that apparently have the same nicotine content as a pack. I would hope there's something that tells you when you've smoked the equivalent of one cigarette, otherwise I'm going to be hospitalized with nicotine poisoning really, really quickly. With your innovapor, how do you know when you've smoked the right amount? Just feel it, or is there a little light or something that comes on?

remember when you first started smoking and every cigarette gave you a buzz which felt terrible? you'll start to feel that when you've had too much but only IF you go that far.

for me, it was after i 'smoked' it the first time, i caught that horrible buzz and remembered how bad it was, then i kind of automatically chilled out on the thing. the reason i hit it so hard the first time was because i was just trying to get a feel for it and see how i liked it. testing it out. nowadays i tend to pull it out every 1-4 hours and take 2-3 good pulls and forget about it.

say what you will, but i love this thing.

Just_call_me_Q 11th August 2009 22:06

Re: i quit smoking
How much do the cartridges cost for whichever one you got? can they be bought in bulk?

AnimalChin 12th August 2009 07:10

Re: i quit smoking

Originally Posted by Just_call_me_Q (Post 266358)
How much do the cartridges cost for whichever one you got? can they be bought in bulk?

i ended up with way more cartridges than i want.

it's best to refill them.

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