Gianni's Bar and Grille. Guns and shit. And Bourbon. And occasional side boob

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AnimalChin 10th December 2007 08:17

alex jones megathread
this is a thread where i post awesome things that i hear late at night on my shortwave radio. mainly it's alex jones.

last night alex said that there was a study in WW 1 or 2 that showed 90% of soldiers won't pull the trigger when in close sight of the enemy.

then he said the military invented the game DOOM to train soldiers to pull the trigger.

now the rate is 90% that soldiers in combat will now pull the trigger at close range.

thanks DOOM!

AnimalChin 10th December 2007 08:19

Re: alex jones megathread
a few weeks ago i learned that the government has been implanting nano robots into my brain through my local municipal water supply.

however he gave no solution as to how to remove the robots but some people were lucky enough to have never drank GOVERNMENT WATER so they don't have the nano robots in their brains. YET.

it is only a matter of time for them though. pretty much we are all fucked.

AnimalChin 10th December 2007 08:22

Re: alex jones megathread
president johnson personally sent bomber jets to destroy one of our ships to draw us into vietnam. the jets took off for a target but then realised when they got there that it was a friendly vessel. the pilots didn't want to shoot but they had to. alex jones has the taped recording of johnson on the phone telling them to do their damn jobs and then they did it.

maladjusted 10th December 2007 08:42

Re: alex jones megathread
with all that Alex Jones knows, it's a wonder they've let him live this long.

Maybe he's a nanobot.

LordOfTheShrooms 10th December 2007 10:22

Re: alex jones megathread
We should pool our money and have you moonbats put to sleep.

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